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Daniel Milton

Annuity Consultant

01733 902056

Daniel joined Retirement Line after a diverse career in the hospitality and automotive sectors, bringing extensive experience in customer-facing roles. His friendly and reassuring manner shines through as he provides information and guidance on retirement income options. SInce embracing a steep learning curve in a new sector, Daniel has become a knowledgeable and confident member of our Annuity Guidance Team.

Daniel finds the most rewarding aspect of his role to be ‘hand holding’ people as they decide what to do with their pension savings. He understands that every decision needs to be fully informed: “I take care to summarise the risks and opportunities of people’s main options, giving balanced information and signposting them to further help where necessary.”

Outside of work, Daniel is passionate about fitness. He’s a regular gym-goer and has recently taken up boxing training, including preparation for ‘white collar boxing’ matches. These matches are not only mentally and physically challenging but also raise money for charity.

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